Club Development
Your Chance to Invest
Invest in your club
Invest in your community
Thanks to the hard work and the success of previous fundraising efforts, Mungret St.Pauls GAA acquired new lands for the club development plan. The next stage is to develop top-class facilities for all our Gaelic games and all our members.
These new pitches are being built for everyone, but it is you, our members, friends, and supporters, who are the cement that binds this community together. Without your support and commitment, no development project on its own could ever hope to create a community.
The quickly growing demographic, in conjunction with a huge increase in playing numbers, requires new and state-of-the-art facilities.
Your support can shape our future!
Development Plan Phasing

Middle Pitch
Pitches planned in Phase 1

Middle Pitch

Ball Wall
Astroturf Pitch
If the club’s funding plan is successful, it is proposed that the Middle Pitch, Ball Wall and Astroturf will be completed in Phase 1. This will also include all necessary site works to enable the development, along with access roads, street lighting and footpaths.
All three pitches will be fitted with floodlights and fencing.
Development Timeline
Middle Pitch

Order Equipment/materials
Site Preparation
Construction of pitch
Install floodlights
Ready to play
24 weeks construction phase

Ball Wall
Order Equipment/materials
Construction of wall
Install floodlights
Ready to play
Site Preparation
Construction of astroturf
21 weeks construction phase

Astroturf Pitch
Order Equipment/materials
Site Preparation
Construction of pitch
Install floodlights
Ready to play
20 weeks construction phase

Development Budget
Mungret St. Pauls are in the process on signing off on final designs and specifications. Planning permission is in place for the middle pitch, and we are currently in the process of planning permission for our master plan.
We will soon be going to tender to several specialist contractors. The overview of the budget is outlined below. Our success in fundraising will determine the overall project timeline.
Our budget estimate for Phase 1 of the master plan is in the order of €1,650,000 which includes the following works;
• Middle Pitch, Floodlights, Goals, Netting & Fencing
• Astroturf Pitch, Floodlights, Goals, Netting & Fencing
• Ball Wall, Floodlights, Netting & Fencing
• Juvenile training pitch/area
• Roads, paths, parking, lighting and general groundworks
• Electrical works, ESB connection & generator
• Design fee's, Archaeologist, Agronomist, etc..
• Contingency sum & VAT
Mungret St. Pauls GAA are committed to keep all members up to date with progress once construction starts. We will have regular updates to all our members on progress and milestones achieved.
How Your Investment Works
We have successfully applied for the club to be classed as an Approved Sports Body with Revenue. The project has been approved by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts Culture Sport and the Gaeltacht. This entitles the club to claim tax relief on qualifying donations made.
Following are examples of how this system works for PAYE Taxpayers:
Donations from PAYE Taxpayers:
For PAYE workers your contribution is paid from after-tax income, and provided you donate at least €250 in the calendar year, Mungret St Pauls GAA can claim a refund on the tax you have already paid on the donation. The tax rebate costs the
donor nothing extra but provides a huge additional benefit to the Club as a result of your donation.
Below is a summary of the potential benefit to the club under a number of monthly payment scenarios. Tax rebates are also available to the Club at a similar level if you pay annually or through a once-off lump sum.
Below is a summary of the potential benefit to the club under a number of monthly payment scenarios. Tax rebates are also available to the club at a similar level if you pay annually or through a once-off lump sum.

Note :- Tax can only be claimed once the donors contribute a minimum of €250 per annum.
Donations from NON - PAYE Taxpayers:
If you individually or jointly pay any tax under the self-assessment scheme, in your tax return you can directly claim tax relief on your donations. For example, if a self-assessed individual, who pays income tax at the higher rate of 40%, makes a donation of €1,000 to the Club, the value of that donation to the Club is €1,000. However, the actual cost of the donation to the individual may be calculated as follows:
• Donation received by the Club €1,000
• Tax relief available to the donor €400
• Actual after-tax cost of donation to the donor €600
In summary, if self-assessed, individuals are personally entitled to claim tax relief for donations.
If you would like more information on the scheme, please click here
How to Invest
There are three investment options being offered, and for each option there are three amounts that can be selected.

All funds raised will be ring fenced for the “Club Development Plan” and all investors will be kept up to date with progress reports.
Community Facilities
Mungret St. Pauls are currently considering the options to improve our facilities as a Community Centre for our rapidly growing area.
These include a new Clubhouse with a sports hall that can cater to numerous sporting activities, walkway, expanded gym for all club members, upgrades to existing Community Hall to allow for expanded use by the wider community.
Further information around funding, planning permission & costings are required but we are very excited about these projects and we are eager to make them all happen.