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Can you guarantee that the Development Fund will only be used for development purposes?Yes, we can guarantee the development fund will only be used on the club development. The club membership, club lotto and other events will be used for the running of the club.
Will you be getting business sponsorship?Yes, we will be approaching all local businesses to become involved in the investment in our local facilities.
Is the hall big enough for indoor training?Yes, the hall will be big enough for most types of indoor training.
Will facilities be used by schools?Yes, the facilities can be used by the local community, when not in use by the club.
Is there more detail on the clubhouse planThis is in the next phase of the master development plan. Much more detail will be coming in the future
Will we have enough carpark spaces?The number of spaces is in accordance with planning guidelines.
Could you offer contribution as part of fees?We would hope members would invest in the club development separately from their membership.
Is there a plan for a gym?Yes we have plans for a state of the art gym for the new clubhouse.
What will happen with old clubhouse and dressing rooms?The current clubhouse will be used as a community centre for the locality and the dressing rooms will remain as dressing rooms.
Will you use club members as tradesmen?Yes, we will use the skillset of our members as much as possible.
Will there be railings around pitches?Yes, there will be a railing around the main pitch.
How will development hinder access to pitches?When an area is under construction the site will be closed off for the safety of all. The pitches will still be in use for the members.
Will there be nets over ball wall?Yes, there will be nets over the ball wall.
Will the floodlights be upgradeable?The floodlights will be top of the range at the time of purchase. It will be possible to fit new lights in years to come, as technology changes.
Have you learned from other clubs?Yes, the club development committee have had meetings with many clubs who have had similar developments, to get ideas from them and learn from their experience.
What will the overall cost of phase 1 be?It is estimated that the overall cost of phase 1 will be €1,683,000.
Will there be consultation with players for the gym?Yes, we will engage with S&C coaches to the club, skills coaches and players when designing the gym equipment and layout.
Will the Astro be available for non-members?Yes, but the club teams will get first preference.
How do I cancel my investment subscription?Simply email the Treasurer and request to cancel the subscription, all future payments will be stopped.
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